The start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to set fresh financial goals. Improving your credit score is a smart place to start! A strong credit score opens doors to better loan rates and greater financial flexibility. If building a better credit score is part of your New Year’s resolutions, here are a few strategies to help you achieve it:
Credit and Lending
For most people, your home is your greatest and largest asset. A Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) can help you take advantage of the equity you have in your home to give you financial flexibility. Whether you’re looking to do home improvements, pay for college, or simply take vacation, a HELOC can be a great solution.
Low or no credit can have a widespread impact on a person's life: it can make it difficult to access financial products, secure housing, and even find employment. Payment history is one of the biggest factors in determining your credit score. Heartland Credit Union's Credit Builder Loan offers a unique opportunity to not only enhance your creditworthiness but also foster a healthier financial outlook.
Heartland Credit Union Member Solutions Specialist Kevin Hall discusses how to use credit cards responsibly and talks about credit card options from HCU. Making payments on time and spending within your budget are important for maintaining a good credit score and financial well-being. With HCU's Your Rewards Visa Credit Card you can earn points for rewards like travel, statement credit, cashback, merchandise, gift cards, and charitable donations every time you shop. Or, you can keep things simple with our low rate Everyday Visa Credit Card.
If you're considering refinancing your auto loan, it's important to understand if a refinance is right for you.
Michael Lizalde, AVP of Member Experience, talks about all the ways Heartland can help with an auto loan for purchasing a new or used vehicle or refinancing your current car loan. HCU offers personalized loan solutions with flexible terms and payments to fit your budget, and you can get pre-qualified before you walk into a dealership. Or take advantage of the equity in your current vehicle to refinance and use the cash for almost anything!
When you're facing money problems, you might think about debt consolidation as a solution. Debt consolidation isn’t just one thing – it's a broad term that includes various ways to deal with debt issues. To figure out if it's the right choice for you, the first thing you need to do is understand what debt consolidation is all about.
It’s all too easy to rack up credit card debt during the holidays. If that has happened to you, don’t panic. While it’s much easier to dig yourself deep into debt than it is to claw your way back out, there is hope. If you create and follow a strong debt-reduction plan, you’ll be back on your feet in no time. Here’s how to do just that.
Holiday shopping has changed so much over the years. Instead of getting in line at the store on Black Friday, many consumers order gifts online from the comfort of their own homes. However you prefer to shop, using a credit card can make your shopping experience simple, secure, and rewarding.
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