Logging Into Digital Banking
The first time you log in, we'll help you confirm or create your username and password. It takes just a few minutes and information to confirm your identity.
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In this Demo
In this demo you'll look at how to login to HCU Digital Banking for the first time.
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Step One
Click the "Register" link at the upper right hand corner of HCU's website. This will take you to the registration landing page.
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Click to register your personal account
From the registration landing page, click the button to register your individual personal account.
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Agree to the disclosure
Read the HCU Digital Banking agreement and disclosure and click the box next to "I Agree".
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Confirm Your Identity
Enter your member information to confirm ownership of the account.
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Choose Verification Method
Select a method to confirm your identity.
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Create a Username
Enter a unique username for your account.
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Create a Password
Enter a unique password for your account.
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Confirm Contact Information
Check your email address and phone number for accuracy and click the "Continue" button.
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Get Started
You are now ready to start using HCU Digital Banking. Complete your profile, view your accounts, and customize your settings.